Break Up With Stress

(For professionals only)

Learn dangerous signs of stress to never ignore and build resilience to stress in 2023

Get Ahead in 2023 by taking control of your stress

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    What will you learn?

    1. Dangerous signs of stress to never ignore
    2. How stress affects your productivity
    3. How to make stress work for you
    4. How to PREVENT stress and build resilience to stress

    Who am I?

    At the beginning of my unexpected 3-year career gap as a medical doctor in 2018, I stumbled upon a new passion; Stress Management.

    Since then, as a certified coach and member of the Association for Coaching, UK, I have successfully helped thousands of overwhelmed professionals de-stress to live a happier and calmer life.

    I'm a stress management course contributor for the largest e-learning organization in the UK (the access group), and have worked with major organizations such as Medical Alumni Associations, GWG healthcare heroes UK, Bellanaija, and Zari professional clubs, amongst others.

    I'm an author and host of the annual stress management summit Africa.

    I’m on a mission to increase awareness of the dangers of stress overload and ways to manage it.

    I'm currently working as an emergency medicine doctor in the UK.